Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Protege

I've been thinking about starting this blog for months out of a desire in my heart to share my life as a Christian, and for others to share their lives as Christians - thoughts, beliefs, Bible discussion, and just plain ole friendship talk, including every day experiences. It's also open for non-Christians to discuss their lives and beliefs, but non-believers beware: a person with the experience of knowing Christ is never at the mercy of the person who's never known the transforming peace only Jesus Christ can bring.

We spend so much time talking about our lives with no thoughts whatsoever to how Jesus Christ fits into the daily mundane and only seem to mention him during times of hardship. Jesus Christ is my life, truly he is. Since the day I was saved, he has been ever present, even in times of wondering. God's grace is truly amazing, and it is all because of what Jesus Christ did for us at the Cross. It was a total act of love for mankind. Our journey only begins here. This is not our destination. There is an eternity for each and every one of us. Nothing in this life is a mistake. We live as though eternity doesn't exist, but people die every day and we all will face eternity. Christ came that we may have Life and have it more abundantly. But like Paul, we must always keep our eyes on the prize and run the race as people who are determined to win it. If Jesus Christ is your life too, let's share him on this blog and get others to share too.

I've called this blog "A Savior's Protege." It is a title that came to my heart. I was going to call it "A Christian's Life" but this title came from the pit of my heart. I thought a Protege was a student, but when I looked it up, I saw it means so much more, though it appears career is the main focus. However, the word "career" itself means "a person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking." However you see it, the last definition that follows says it all.

a person under the patronage, protection, or care of someone interested in his or her career or welfare.

One whose welfare, training, or career is promoted by an influential person.

a person who receives support and protection from an influential patron who furthers the protege's career.

one who is protected

If you are a Christian, you are His Protege. That is awesome!